About Us

"Give People the color they deserve"

How we started

A message from the Founder​

I was born with protanopia and despite being good at classes I struggled distinguishing colors. No one ever found it out, until a teacher realized my colorblindness as she had a relative in the same condition. She gifted me a set special colorblind-friendly coloured pens, and from now my goal is to seek and help people with colorblindness as my teacher once did. My passion and vision had me seeking the best team i could gather, a trustworthy team full of infinite possibilites, a united and solid team. And this team is here and has achieved so much in such a little time. Without their support, we couldn't have reached here and I would like to thank Isidoros and Marianna personally for joining me in this journey. A journey in which we are here to enjoy not just some profits but the fullfillment of helping the society, creating innovative solutions and most importantly: Offering a product service with true social value and need - not just a commercial application like 90% of the common startups nowadays. "Startups should fulfill true needs not generating false ones. Because making the world a better place requires solutions not problems".

Our Mission

ChromaSwap is not just a product. Is a change of mind and perspective of how we see colorblindness today. Many people neglect the importance of not recognizing colors, and many don’t realize its existance as correct vision humanly basic. Our perspective of the world is subjective to any human, colors may different slightly amongst people but when it comes to colorblind people this color perspective is divergent. As a startup we ought to bridge this divergence and give the same opportunities to both people with colorblind and normal vision. The society does not treat colorblind people with the proper tendency they should and ought to be socialy aware of the importancy of the issue. That means that: Schools, Institutions, Organizations, Businesses should adopt sustainable colorblind-friendly strategies, especially when it comes to color-coded data A primary goal is to raise awareness about the colorblind needs and improving their everyday life with better and dishtinguishable color shades. When the 8.5% of the worlds population is affected the problem is not negligible.

Why choosing ChromaSwap

ChromaSwap for Schools

1 out of 24 young students at each class struggle everyday distinguishing colors. When it comes to classrooms: books, handgiven material and visual content should be easily distinguishable from every student for example geography maps, chemical substances, statistic graphs, or even quizzes and exams that are color based. ChromaSwap Colorblind PDF Converter may convert your documents, tests, e-books, and presentations to colorblind-friendly color shaded material so as every student be treated equally and CVD students with the proper cater, just like the ones with a learning disorder.

ChromaSwap for Advertisement

5% of the Target Audience is lost due to unfriendly colors for colorblind consumers. That means a significant loss of marginal profit and potential customers. Advertising sector should take into consideration potential colorblind audience and use better and smarter approaches. Chromaswap caters for your adveryising needs and may convert your flyers, posters and advertising material with colors that are colorblind-friendly saving unessesary costs from redisigning the same advertisement again.

ChromaSwap for Presentations

What would be the purpose of a presentation or a seminar if the message to be delivered cannot be done properly. At a 100 people audience there is a chance that 4-5 people are colorblind. Especially when the presented content contains visual information and graphs, its very important to use colorblind friendly colors. ChromaSwap can make your presentation document colors colorblind friendly easily at no time! Make your point understood by all the audience and distribute content that is easily recognizable by people with colorblindness thus catering for your needs of a top-class presentation

ChromaSwap for Business

Like with Advertising 5% of Target Audience is lost due to colorblind-unfriendly marketing practices which signifies a significant loss of profit. But not only for the customers but also for the employes themselves. 97% of business employees are daily subjected to colorful charts and graphs which my frustate colorblind employees. That also goes as well to applications and daily jobs. Training employees is very important for a company as it is an inventment for growth and deveopment. But training effectiveness may render useless when it comes to colorblind unfriendly colors. ChromaSwap is here to help you avoid such situations and get the most out of your business and boost creditentiality by promoting CSR.

ChromaSwap for Culture and Art

Many Museums and Cultural Centers are employed with visual exhibitions as well as traditional presentations and educational material. But if a significant amount of colorblind visitors are left unsatisfied what is the meaning? Such institutions ought to have colorblind option for visual material designed for them with colorblind friendly colors and take care like visitors with special needs. Museums and Cultural Centers are a peak tourist attraction for each country, thus the persentage of colorblind visitors is high. Having such innovative technology applied like ChromaSwap shine the countries culture and respect towards visitors, especially Greece which is the craddle of filoxenia and kindness.

ChromaSwap for Smart Cities

How can a city be smart if it does not cater about his colorblind citizen needs. Whenever a citizen uses a private or public service inside a smart city he should be automatically be given a colorblind friendly option to the product or service he/she choose. We help a smart city by developing a unified database for the citizen's eye condition of colorblindness, and acordingly we review the colored viusual content the city hosts. If colroblind unfriednly material is found, it may be automatically converted into colorblind friendly using our services. It is the duty of every city to cater for the needs of its citizens especially the ones who trully need it.

We won't let confusing colors confuse anymore

ChromaSwap Single Logo

ChromaSwap© Algorithmic Conversion

We have the first complete colorblind-friendly conversion system for every visual material (statistics, graphics, images, documents, presentations). We detect unfriendly colors and we swap them with discreet ones without much aesthetic changes.

Before ChromaSwap
After ChromaSwap
ChromaSwap Single Logo

ChromaSwap is here to help you becoming colorblind-friendly

We are the first conversion service into colorblind-friendly material, an award winning company for the social care and needs. Your success in guaranteed.


We may arrange a meeting to visualise your targets and strategy to become colorblind-friendly at a sustainable and resourceful way

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