StartUpNow Awards 2019

Published by ChromaSwap on

1st Place | StartUpNow Awards 2019

StartupNow Forum 2019 was truly a blast!

Hundreds of people got to meet, negotiate deals and receive feedback from their future investors, business partners and potential employees and we (SUNF Team) were glad to meet and interact with such passionate people during the 2-day multi conference in a national level!

The organization was held for the second consecutive time with great success at Technopolis , City of Athens on the 23rd & 24th October, and hosted recognized personalities from the political, academic and business world who had the opportunity to share their insights and outline the Startup and Entrepreneurial Scene in Greece. 

Bootstrapping innovation and focused on Startups and entrepreneurship, SUNF 2019 highlighted all the new technological trends and created the ground for all participants to strike business deals and seek investment opportunities during the conference. At the same time, all visitors and  participants had the chance to take part in a number of special initiatives that were organized throughout the two days: B2B platform and app meetings, Exhibition of startups, Workshops in various topics, Speeches and Panels. Over 1000 attendees joined the crowd of startups, investors, corporates and media and held meetings via the conference’s app & platform! 

Mantis Business Innovation enabled the digital transformation of the Forum by offering an efficient and well-matched networking app & platform. All the participants had access on the software two weeks before the conference and that way they were able to predefine their meetings during the event in order to strike deals.  In the framework of digitally transforming all the procedures of the conference, Mantis Business Innovation also undertook the organization of StartupNow Awards by managing and evaluating all the startups in the competition in a transparent and objective way.

Over 1200 B2B meetings took place, many of which lead to successful business deals and investments. 100+ speakers shared their experience and expertise with the public, while 250+ were the representatives of companies and organization that support entrepreneurship who held meetings with startups. 50 exhibitors from startup companies had the opportunity to talk about their products during the event. Last but not least, the 20 Workshops conducted by SUNF’S partners educated the participants to develop new skills and to be trained in specific areas.

 The forum was organized by the spinout startup Mantis Business Innovation in collaboration with the Athens Digital Lab  and Innovathens of the Municipality of Athens. It has been under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance, the Municipality of Athens and the National Technical University of Athens. The initiative was also supported by a number of companies such as Rewarding Packaging Recycling S.A. as a Platinum Sponsor, Eurobank as an exclusive Partner of StartupNow Awards, Hellenic Petroleum S.A. and TITAN Group as Silver Sponsors. Moreover, PLAISIO COMPUTERS S.A. and BOSCH HELLAS participated as Bronze Sponsors.

We are the winners

40+ startups and innovative teams submitted their proposals to claim the title of StartupNow Winner – one of the largest national appreciations!

Innovation Idea Category

1)ChromaSwap: Team Members – P. Naoum, I. Krokos

2) City Hero: Team Members – Giannis Stathopoulos, Olga Labutina

3) KaitoHealth: Team Members-Konstantinos Markostamos, Giannis Priovolos

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